Mitigating Seal Interactions in the SRLF and the Gillnet Sector SESSF in South Australia

Goldsworthy, S.D., B. Page, P.D. Shaughnessy and A. Linnane
Journal/Publisher Name
SARDI Research Report Series
Volume (Issue #)
No. 405.
Page #s
Contact information
Simon Goldsworthy
SARDI Aquatic Sciences
2 Hamra Avenue
West Beach
South Australia, 5024

61-8-8207 5325

Bycatch of Australian sea lions in rock lobster and shark gillnet fisheries is a key threat to the species. This report outlines and assesses methods for mitigating bycatch in these fisheries in South Australia. Gear modification was considered in the rock lobster fishery and spatial closures in the shark gillnet fishery. Spikes of different heights were tested to deter sea lions from entering rock lobster pots. Entry success significantly decreased with spikes extending high up into the collar (70 mm + from base) compared to other treatment and control pots.